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Taking your child’s emotions seriously, Why should you?

Parenting is a rollercoaster. As a parent, you often find yourself facing the challenging task of seeing the world through your children’s eyes. A crucial aspect of this approach is taking your child’s emotions seriously. But why is this so important? Why should you invest time and energy in understanding what is going on in your child’s heart?

Emotional Development

Emotions are a child’s natural language, and taking them seriously is crucial for their emotional development. It goes beyond simply calming a tantrum or soothing an angry outburst. It’s all about acknowledging their feelings and providing a safe space for them to learn to navigate the complexity of emotions.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that, like adults, children experience emotions in response to various situations. However, they are still learning individuals, and their emotional skills are still in the developmental stage. By taking your child’s emotions seriously, you teach them that it’s okay to have feelings and that they are allowed to express them.

One good reason to take your child’s emotions seriously is building trust. Children who feel that their emotions are understood develop a stronger trust in their parents. They know they can turn to their parents not only for physical needs but also for emotional support.

Additionally, taking emotions seriously is beneficial for the development of emotional intelligence. By talking to your child about their feelings, you help them understand and recognize the nuances of different emotions. This lays the foundation for empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication later in life. The worksheets from our mindfulness printables are a helpful tool in establishing this foundation.

Ignoring or minimizing emotions

On the other hand, ignoring or minimizing your child’s emotions can lead to frustration, misunderstanding, and the suppression of feelings. This can result in long-term emotional issues and difficulties in expressing needs and desires.

Taking emotions seriously doesn’t necessarily mean always agreeing with your child or abandoning all rules. It’s about being open to your child’s feelings and teaching them how to cope with them. It reassures your child that they are heard and understood.

Taking your child’s emotions seriously is a powerful tool to help them grow into a resilient and self-aware individual. Fortunately, more and more parents are taking this seriously. Because why wouldn’t you take your child’s emotions seriously? It is, after all, the key to a strong emotional bond and a healthy emotional development for your child.

easter egg hunt

Easter egg hunt


It’s Easter, and the Easter bunny has hidden eggs all around the neighborhood! But this isn’t just an ordinary Easter egg hunt; it’s an Easter egg hunt with a real treasure map!

Armed with our printable treasure map, the little ones embark on a quest for colorful eggs. Follow the trail of the Easter bunny by searching for the eggs and following the direction of the carrots. Eventually, you’ll discover where the golden egg is hidden.

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What you’re buying:

  • a treasure map for the Easter egg hunt
  • eight Easter eggs (4 per A4)
  • a golden egg
  • carrots to indicate the route

Your purchase is a digital product. You’ll receive the printables as a PDF file in your e-mailbox.

egg hunt easter

Description of the Easter Egg Hunt

How does it work?

You’ll receive this Easter Egg Hunt in your inbox after payment. You print the received printables at home.

Cut out the Easter eggs and carrots.

Create a route for the Easter egg hunt. This can be indoors or outdoors in the neighborhood.

Hang the Easter eggs (in the same order as the map) scattered along the route. End the route with the large golden egg.

Use the carrots to indicate the route.

Give the children the map for the Easter egg hunt. Print multiple maps if you want to give each child their own. Let the children search for the Easter eggs. And eventually, the children will reach the golden egg!

It’s a good idea to do small tasks or play games while searching for the eggs. That makes the Easter egg hunt extra exciting and fun.

philosophy for kids

Introducing philosophy to your child: Here are some tips and tricks!

We consider it crucial to create space for the development of essential thinking skills in our children. One way to achieve this is by introducing philosophy into the lives of our young thinkers. Philosophizing with children is not only a stimulation of intellectual reasoning but also encourages creative thinking. It shapes their own worldview, helping them understand the complexity of life. Here are our tips and tricks to introduce philosophy to your child.

Asking questions

The core of philosophizing with children lies in asking open-ended questions. Don’t just ask for facts; challenge their thinking by posing questions like “What is happiness?” or “What determines right or wrong?” These questions encourage children to delve deeper into the world around them. To make it a bit easier for you, we have a set of philosophy cards for children.

Make critical thinking a daily routine

Incorporate philosophy into daily life. Foster conversations during meals, walks, or before bedtime. By regularly providing space for philosophical discussions, it becomes a habit for your children to think critically about different perspectives and ideas.

Respect each other

Philosophizing teaches children not only critical thinking but also respect for diverse viewpoints. Encourage them to listen to the opinions of others and promote an atmosphere of openness. The understanding that there are multiple truths and perspectives forms the basis for a tolerant and empathetic society. And that, we believe, is one of the most beautiful aspects of philosophizing!

Philosophical stories

If you want to introduce philosophizing to your children, this is a great tip. Choose books and stories that contain philosophical dilemmas and ideas. This not only enriches the imagination of your children but also gives you the opportunity to discuss the deeper questions hidden in the stories.

Encourage creativity

Philosophy doesn’t have to be confined to words. Foster creativity through art, drama, and play. Allow children to express their thoughts through drawing, performing short plays, or even through music. This way, they develop not only their thinking abilities but also their expressive skills.

In summary, philosophizing with children is more than just delving into deeper thoughts. It’s a journey where children discover their own thoughts and ideas. By applying these practical tips, you create a solid foundation for introducing philosophizing.

5 benefits of a confident child

Using affirmation cards encourages self-confidence in your child. It can be imagined that this brings along many advantages. Here are the five main benefits of a confident child:

Improved academic performance

Children with healthy self-confidence are often better equipped to tackle challenges and achieve goals. They have the confidence to embrace new tasks and concepts, positively influencing their learning abilities. Confident children dare to ask questions, solve problems, and are motivated to succeed in their academic endeavors.

Social skills and interactions

Confident children generally excel in building positive relationships with their peers. They feel comfortable in social situations, dare to express themselves, and show empathy towards others. The ability to communicate confidently and respectfully contributes to creating healthy friendships and building a strong social network.

Effective stress management

Confident children often have a better ability to handle stress and pressure. They believe in their own capabilities and are more resilient in facing challenges. This helps them approach stressful situations with a positive attitude and find constructive solutions instead of feeling overwhelmed.

Willingness to take risks

Self-confidence encourages children to step out of their comfort zones and engage in new experiences. They are more inclined to take risks and develop new skills. This willingness to experiment and grow contributes to a broader horizon and a more versatile development.

Self-Reliance and independence

Children with confidence tend to be self-reliant and independent. They believe in their ability to make decisions and solve problems. These qualities are invaluable when it comes to developing a healthy independence, contributing to long-term success in adulthood.

Healthy self-confidence not only provides children with an emotional advantage but also positively influences various aspects of their lives, including academic performance, social interactions, and the ability to make successful choices. Cultivating self-confidence in early childhood lays the foundation for a life of positive growth and development.

The power of positive affirmations

In today’s rapidly changing world, it is essential not only to educate children in academic skills but also to cultivate a healthy self-image and emotional well-being. An effective way to promote this is by introducing affirmation cards into children’s lives. These simple yet powerful tools offer numerous benefits for children’s development, from strengthening confidence to fostering resilience.

Building confidence from a young age

Our affirmation cards are designed to stimulate positive thoughts and beliefs through short, encouraging phrases. By being exposed to these positive affirmations daily, children begin to internalize what is being told to them. Repeating affirmations such as “I am brave,” “I am smart,” and “I am important” contributes to building a healthy self-image. Anchoring these positive beliefs at a young age establishes a solid foundation for strong self-confidence that will guide them through life.

Promotion of emotional intelligence and self-awareness

Affirmation cards not only serve as a powerful tool for boosting self-confidence but also play a role in developing emotional intelligence and self-awareness in children. By becoming aware of their own thoughts and feelings, children learn to better understand themselves. Affirmations can help children cultivate positive thinking patterns and deal constructively with challenges and disappointments.

Stimulating a positive mindset

Life is filled with ups and downs, and the ability to remain positive in difficult times is a valuable skill. Affirmation cards provide children with a tool to develop a positive mindset. Repeating positive affirmations helps them focus on the good, even in the midst of challenges. This contributes to building resilience and developing an optimistic outlook on life.

mindfulness toddlers

These affirmation cards can be found in the mindfulness for toddlers package.

Strengthening parent-child relationships

The use of affirmation cards can also be a valuable addition to interactions between parents and children. Going through the affirmations together provides an opportunity for open communication and sharing positive thoughts. Parents can encourage children to formulate their own affirmations, promoting the child’s engagement and self-expression.

Affirmation Cards

Integrating affirmation cards into children’s lives is a simple yet effective way to stimulate positive development. By building confidence, promoting emotional intelligence, and encouraging a positive mindset, affirmation cards make a valuable contribution to the overall growth and well-being of children. In a world where self-image and resilience are of great importance, affirmation cards serve as a tool that empowers children for life.

bingo easter

Easter bingo


Do you want something different than searching for eggs this Easter? Then play this fun Easter bingo that you can order, download here, and print at home.

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What you buy:

Your purchase is a digital product. You will receive the printables in your mailbox, and you can print the printables individually at home! The Easter bingo includes 6 unique bingo cards and 36 unique Easter symbols.

bingo easter
bingo easter

Description Easter bingo

You will receive the printables of this Easter bingo in your mailbox.

Download and print the bingo cards and Easter symbols. Cut the Easter symbols into individual pieces and place them in a bowl.

Give each player a bingo card. There are a total of 6 cards, so if there are more than 6 players, you can divide them into teams.

The game leader draws the Easter symbols one by one from the bowl and shows them to the players.

The players look at their cards and mark each corresponding symbol that is shown.

The first player to mark a complete row of symbols horizontally, vertically, or diagonally on their card shouts “Bingo!” and is the winner of that round.

Christmas riddles for kids


Children don’t have to be bored during a Christmas dinner! In addition to the Christmas table games that they can play together, we also have a printable package with Christmas riddles and puzzles.

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What are you buying?

Your purchase is a digital product. You will receive the printables in your mailbox, and you can print them at home one by one! The package consists of 10 different printables:

  1. Labyrinth
  2. Secret code
  3. I spy
  4. Crossword puzzle
  5. Ri Ra Riddle
  6. Sudoku
  7. Find the Christmas symbols
  8. Word search
  9. Find the differences
  10. Outsiders

Description of the Christmas riddles

These Christmas riddles and puzzles are designed for children aged 6 and above. The difficulty level varies for each puzzle, but the printables are primarily focused on entertaining the children. The puzzles range from deciphering a code to finding the differences and from a maze to a sudoku puzzle. What all the printables have in common is that they are created in the Christmas theme, making them super fun and especially handy to have at home for the upcoming Christmas days.

How does it work?

After purchase, you will receive the printables in your mailbox. From there, you can download the printables and print them at home yourself. It’s that simple!

mindfulness toddlers

Mindfulness for toddlers

€ 7,50

Learned young is done old, they sometimes say, right? That certainly applies to expressing emotions, being aware of the here and now and kindness to yourself and others. You can’t start early enough with this! And that’s why we have put together a mindfulness pack especially for toddlers.

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Want to get started with these mindfulness worksheets and posters and practice mindfulness together with your toddler? You can buy these beautiful printables now and get started right away. The worksheets and posters are digital files and you will receive them as PDFs in your mailbox immediately after payment.

What you buy:

  • 3 x A4 of positive affirmation cards for toddlers
  • worksheet expressing feelings: angry
  • worksheet expressing feelings: afraid
  • worksheet expressing feelings: sad
  • worksheet ‘cool down rainbow’
  • worksheet ‘I feel today + emotion cards’
  • worksheet ‘this makes you’
  • worksheet ‘bingo’
  • worksheet “breathe in and breathe out’
  • worksheet “this was my day’
  • worksheet ‘still life drawing ‘
  • worksheet ‘senses’
  • poster with activities to calm down(A4 size)
  • calming ideas poster (A4 size)
  • emotion poster (A4 size)
  • poster emotion meter
  • mindfulness colouring sheet, colouring by numbers
 mindfulness toddlers

Description of printables mindfulness for toddlers

Toddlers and preschoolers are at a stage in their lives where they are learning to deal with different emotions. Through mindfulness worksheets, they learn how to recognise, understand and manage emotions. This is not only useful for tantrums, but also important for healthy emotion regulation later in life.

Through the mindfulness activities on the posters and worksheets, the toddler or preschooler develops self-awareness. Everything you give attention to grows, so by paying attention to your child’s emotions and feelings, your toddler or preschooler will get to know themselves better.

The worksheets and posters help children get started with mindfulness in an interactive and engaging way.

philosophy cards

Philosophy cards


Philosophy question cards for children stimulate the thinking skills and curiosity of young thinkers. These philosophy cards for kids contain stimulating questions that encourage children to think more deeply about the world around them.

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What you buy:

This printable set of philosophy cards consists of 32 cards with philosophy questions. Your purchase is a digital product. You will receive the printables in your mailbox and you can print the printables yourself at home!

philosophy cards
philosophy cards

Description of philosophy cards

For the philosophy question cards, make sure you use sturdy paper to create durable cards. Then cut out the cards and consider laminating them to make them last longer.

Philosophising often starts with asking open-ended questions that don’t have simple yes-or-no answers. With these philosophical questions like “What is the meaning of friendship?” or “Is there such a thing as justice?”, children are encouraged to think about abstract concepts and form their own ideas.

These philosophy cards encourage children to listen and respect each other’s ideas, even if they disagree with them. It creates an atmosphere where children feel free to share their thoughts without fear of judgement.

Thereby, philosophising is incredibly good for their development. Philosophising goes hand in hand with developing critical thinking. Children learn to build arguments, consider counter-arguments and draw conclusions based on reasoning.

Start philosophising with your child using these philosophy cards and strengthen your child’s intellectual, emotional and social skills.

Games for Christmas dinner

Games for Christmas dinner

Christmas is here again, Christmas trees twinkle and the smell of delicious food fills the air. What would Christmas dinner be without a touch of playful fun? This year, throw in some games at Christmas dinner. Here are a few fun and festive games to make your Christmas dinner even cozier!

Christmas bingo

Christmas bingo is not just another game, it is a guaranteed way to increase the fun during your Christmas dinner. Especially when you use our fun and festive printable. The Christmas bingo printable is designed with cheerful Christmas images related to the holidays. From nativity scenes to Christmas trees and baubles.

Our Christmas bingo is suitable for all ages. Young and old can participate, making it a perfect activity to involve the whole family. With the printable, organising Christmas bingo is easy and quick. Print the cards, get some marking material and you’re ready to play. It’s a stress-free way to add a fun activity to your Christmas dinner.


For a light-hearted and cheerful atmosphere, the game “Taboo” is highly recommended. Indeed, this game is synonymous with unintentional jokes and comical moments. When players try to get around the “forbidden” word, it often leads to inventive descriptions and synonyms. This makes it not only funny, but also a challenge for players to increase their vocabulary. And that way, you are educational too!

We have helped you by making 40 Taboo cards in the Christmas theme. Print out these printables, cut them out and the fun at Christmas dinner can begin.

Christmas tree dice

This game is especially for entertaining the little ones during Christmas dinner. On the printable Christmas tree dice you will find a Christmas tree and 6 decorations for in the Christmas tree. It takes a little bit of preparation as you have to cut out the Christmas decorations. And you also need a die for this game. The dice are rolled in turns. If you roll a one, you get to hang the pink bauble on the tree. If you roll two, then the yellow one, and so on. Whoever gets all the symbols on their tree first wins. You can find the printable in the package for Christmas games at the table.

Simple games for Christmas dinner

In this printable pack, you will also find the simple games ‘Hangman’, ‘Tic Tac Toe’ and ‘Dots and Boxes’. These games are ideal to keep the children entertained during Christmas dinner. The games are played with a minimum of two people. And because the games are quick and simple, they can easily be played between courses.

Add these games to your Christmas dinner menu and create cosy moments for everyone. After all, it’s the little things that really make this time of year special. 🎄✨

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