philosophy for kids

Introducing philosophy to your child: Here are some tips and tricks!

We consider it crucial to create space for the development of essential thinking skills in our children. One way to achieve this is by introducing philosophy into the lives of our young thinkers. Philosophizing with children is not only a stimulation of intellectual reasoning but also encourages creative thinking. It shapes their own worldview, helping them understand the complexity of life. Here are our tips and tricks to introduce philosophy to your child.

Asking questions

The core of philosophizing with children lies in asking open-ended questions. Don’t just ask for facts; challenge their thinking by posing questions like “What is happiness?” or “What determines right or wrong?” These questions encourage children to delve deeper into the world around them. To make it a bit easier for you, we have a set of philosophy cards for children.

Make critical thinking a daily routine

Incorporate philosophy into daily life. Foster conversations during meals, walks, or before bedtime. By regularly providing space for philosophical discussions, it becomes a habit for your children to think critically about different perspectives and ideas.

Respect each other

Philosophizing teaches children not only critical thinking but also respect for diverse viewpoints. Encourage them to listen to the opinions of others and promote an atmosphere of openness. The understanding that there are multiple truths and perspectives forms the basis for a tolerant and empathetic society. And that, we believe, is one of the most beautiful aspects of philosophizing!

Philosophical stories

If you want to introduce philosophizing to your children, this is a great tip. Choose books and stories that contain philosophical dilemmas and ideas. This not only enriches the imagination of your children but also gives you the opportunity to discuss the deeper questions hidden in the stories.

Encourage creativity

Philosophy doesn’t have to be confined to words. Foster creativity through art, drama, and play. Allow children to express their thoughts through drawing, performing short plays, or even through music. This way, they develop not only their thinking abilities but also their expressive skills.

In summary, philosophizing with children is more than just delving into deeper thoughts. It’s a journey where children discover their own thoughts and ideas. By applying these practical tips, you create a solid foundation for introducing philosophizing.